Shop Smarter with Curated Skincare​

We know how overwhelming it can be to find the right things for your skin, which is why we’ve curated the best selection of medical
grade skincare lines. Make it even easier by booking a complimentary consultation to have a regimen curated specifically for you.

Retinol Skin Brightener 0.5%


Retinol Skin Brightener 0.5% minimizes the appearance of age spots, promotes a more gradual lightening of skin tone by addressing its root cause for a brighter, clearer and smoother complexion.

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Retinol Skin Brightener 0.5% is a retinol-based solution that delivers rapid improvement in the appearance of uneven, dull skin tone and overall complexion. Suitable for all skin types, this powerful formula is safe and effective for every skin tone and age, as it reduces hyperpigmentation without irritation to visibly brighten, lighten and smooth the skin.

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