Discover Solutions for Sculpting Confidence.

At Curated Medical, we offer cutting-edge injectable treatments to redefine your confidence. Our additional injectable treatments such as Kybella and PDO Threads are curated to address specific concerns with precision and effectiveness. Kybella and PDO Threads offer non-surgical, non-invasive solutions, addressing under-chin fullness and providing skin tightening for a confident, rejuvenated appearance. Expertly curated to meet your specific needs, these treatments guarantee remarkable results, ushering in a transformative journey to a more confident and rejuvenated you.

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Kybella, an injectable medication, offers a nonsurgical solution for eliminating fat cells in the “double chin” area. Particularly effective for clients with small to medium pockets of fat, Kybella dissolves the cell membrane, allowing the fat to be excreted through the lymphatic system.

A Kybella appointment will last around 45 minutes. After cleaning the skin, the treatment area is marked and Kybella is injected with a very fine needle.

After injection, you will experience a burning sensation for just a few minutes. You will also start to swell and this swelling can last for up to 2 weeks.

Typically 3-4 sessions of Kybella are needed and are done 4-6 weeks apart.

Kybella results are permanent as long as you maintain a stable weight. Significant weight gain may cause new fat cells to form in the area.

PDO threads are used to reposition facial tissues for a more lifted appearance. PDO threads can improve jowls and and skin laxity without adding any volume to the face, as with filler.

In a PDO thread lift session, your skin will be cleansed, and markings will be made on the targeted areas. To minimize discomfort, we’ll inject lidocaine, which is usually the most sensitive part of the procedure. A needle is then employed to create an opening in the skin, and threads are inserted into the subcutaneous fat using a cannula. Common areas addressed include the cheeks, jowls, and neck. The entire procedure typically takes around an hour.

PDO threads are best for patients with mild to moderate laxity. Patients with more severe laxity will often need a surgical facelift.

Typically, the most uncomfortable part of a PDO thread lift is the numbing process. After this, you may feel tugging a pressure. After the procedure, it is normal to be very sore or experience “zinging” sensations for a short period.

You will see an immediate result after a PDO thread lift but this will “relax” over the first couple of weeks. The final result for a PDO thread lift is seen at 2-4 weeks.

Kybella typically costs $1200-2100 per treatment. For PDO Thread lift, barbed threads cost $1000 for the first area, $800 for the second, and $600 for each subsequent area done in the same visit. Areas include: the cheeks, jowls or jawline, and neck. Smooth threads cost $250-500 per area.

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