Shop Smarter with Curated Skincare​

We know how overwhelming it can be to find the right things for your skin, which is why we’ve curated the best selection of medical
grade skincare lines. Make it even easier by booking a complimentary consultation to have a regimen curated specifically for you.

Cysteamine HSA Pigment & Tone Corrector


Cysteamine is a topical ingredient that’s made of cysteamine hydrochloride, a metabolite of L-cysteine. This ingredient is considered a safe solution for people who suffer from hyperpigmentation, and many independent clinical studies have shown it’s highly effective.

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Some of the key benefits of topical solutions formulated with cysteamine include:

  • Improving the appearance of dark spots and brown patches.
  • Decreasing the chance of future skin discoloration.
  • Well-tolerated for long-term use.
  • Formulated without hydroquinone.

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